The RVBlogger has dedicated this BLOG for workers in the RV industry.
This site is dedicated to serve as "therapy" to the RV worker that:
* Just got the pink slip
* A past RV employee that made a career change before everything turned sour
* A current RV employee that is wondering when he/she is next
* Or anyone that wants to make comments
I thought this blog would be a good way for people to vent about the RV Industry and their respective companies (if so desired). It will also provide a place for people to share ideas, post job openings amongst the group, meet new people, start a new venture or for whatever other reason you might find as therapy during the stressful times.
We are all aware that the economy is sluggish - fuel prices are skyrocketing - and living the simple life just got that much more difficult. Your not alone - so speak out and be heard. There are a lot of other people in the same boat. The outlook is dismal for premium jobs in the area and now with the mass numbers of unemployed it's going to get more difficult to find a job that isn't even available.
Something has to be done and it's all up to you to make the difference and/or change. Some people are considering moving - others are willing to take a lesser job - while most will try to survive on unemployment benefits that are a fraction of what they used to make.
Getting laid off from a job can be a stressful situation. What's even worse - is there really isn't a bright outlook. I'm sure a lot of people are going to experience stress beyond the normal limits. At times, it's going to be hard to keep it all together. This site is dedicated to helping you in anyway it can. We strongly encourage everyone's participation. Go ahead - say what you want to say - excluding direct profanity.
Signing Out - The RVBlogger
1 comment:
I know that Forest River Plant # 27 in Goshen layed off 35 people last week. This was not their first lay off. Can anyone tell me what is happening with Forest River. What kind of restructuring, lay-offs, etc is happening there. I know most plants are down to 3 and 4 days a week but what else is happening there. They are one of the big boys, who are not so big anymore.
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